Exciting news! Hello Sydney! Please come and hear me perform next week, on Wed 27th Jan, playing music by Philip Glass in the “Bennelong Presents” series – at the delicious, award winning, divinely located Bennelong Restaurant – perched at the Sydney Opera House House. Click on the link to find out the various dining options* – 5.30pm, 8pm, or bar seating. All in all a pretty good deal, and the restaurant follow strict health protocols. I hope to see you there. It’s been quite a while. 👋 Music will be all from my Mad Rush (Orange Mountain Music) CD plus a few new etudes. *bespoke two and three course menus by Executive Chef Peter Gilmore and Head Chef Rob Cockerill. Bennelong Restaurant has been awarded: two chef hats, Good Food Guide 2020 Awards , Cured & Cultured awarded one chef hat, Good Food Guide 2020 Awards and Chef Rob Cockerill nominated for Chef of the Year, Good Food Guide 2020 Awards https://www.bennelong.com.au/bennelong-presents/