“Art of Sound” series – solo piano music by Martin Bresnick, Claude Debussy, Philip Glass, Hannah Lash, Missy Mazzoli, Kate Moore and Julia Wolfe
“Soft Loud” or pianoforte – a solo concert of contrast, diversity, range and energy
Lisa Moore, piano and voice
Two Preludes (1909-1913) Claude Debussy (1862-1918)
– Bruyères (Heather)
– Les Collines d’Anacapri (The Hills of Anacapri)
Etude no. 2 (1994) Philip Glass (b.1937)
Earring (2001) Julia Wolfe (b. 1958)
Orizzonte (2005) Missy Mazzoli (b.1981)
Two Etudes and a Dream (2015) Hannah Lash (b.1981)
– Thumbs and Pinkies
– Petit rêve pour les pétunias défunts
– Trills
Sliabh Beagh* (2015) Kate Moore (b.1979)
Ishi’s Song (2012) Martin Bresnick (b.1946)