solo & CRUX duo in Del Mar CA

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CRUX duo (with Lloyd Van’t Hoff clarinet) perform:

The Alcotts by Charles Ives (1915)

Strange Devotion  by Martin Bresnick (2010)

Bundists (Robert, György and me)  by Martin Bresnick (2015)

Bitter Suite  by Martin Bresnick (2021) *

>Ofyn Veg

>Mayn Rue Plats

>Chorny Kot/Shvartse Kats

>Dona, Dona


wed by David Lang (1995)

Seventeen Years – the life cycle of a cicada  by Meadow Bridgham (2021)

Rituals by Harriet Steinke (2023)




>More Canons


*world premiere of this arrangement for clarinet and piano

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