Solo concert “The Commuter Variations” @ Melbourne Recital Center

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A concert celebrating ‘commuting’ and in particular the work of Kate Neal and animation artist Sal Cooper
Melbourne Recital Centre, Potter Salon
Time 6pm
“Lisa Moore – Commuter Variations”
Sal Cooper/Kate Neal –  Novel Instrument  4′  (with film and staging)
**Mayke Nas – Cleaning Instructions 1.30′
Missy Mazzoli – Orizzonte 5’30” (with tape and film)
Gyorgy Ligeti – Musica Ricercate VII  4′
David Lang – Wed  (with video by Isabela dos Santos) 4.30′
**Martin Bresnick – Bundists 2′
*Eric Griswold – Danny Boy adrift in the rising tide  (with vocals) 3′
*Sal Cooper/Kate Neal – The Commuter Variations 12′ (with film)
Q and A 15′
Lisa Moore, piano
*world premiere
** Australian premiere

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