Bresnick Brooklyn Birthday Bash @ National Sawdust

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All-Bresnick show for the big 70!

Program (tbc)

Tent of Miracles (1984) 12’ (Taimur Sullivan, saxophone and playback)

Bird as Prophet (1999) 12’ (EllyToyoda violin & Lisa Moore, piano)

Joaquin is Dreaming (2007) 7’ (Benjamin Verdery, guitar)

Prayers Remain Forever (2012) 13’ (TwoSense:Ashley Bathgate cello & Lisa Moore)



Prophetic Strain* (2009) 7’ (Margaret Lancaster flute & Lisa Moore)

Ishi’s Song (2012) 10’ (Lisa Moore)

Songs of the Mouse People (1999) (New Morse Code:Hannah Collins cello & Mike Compitello vibraphone) 8’

Every Thing Must Go (2007) 14’ (Red Clay Saxophone Quartet)


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